Briefing 5P conference 2016

Event Start: September 13, 2016
Location: The Grange Tower Bridge, 45 Prescot Street, London E1 8GP

The Briefing 5P conference centres on progressing beyond traditional silos in legal services and demonstrates that project management, process and pipeline matter to everyone.

The Briefing 5P conference centres on progressing beyond traditional silos in legal services and demonstrates that project management, process and pipeline matter to everyone. People in legal business have to work together in a more inter-dependent, project-based way to deliver legal work, increase profits and retain clients.

It is important to position yourself ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation to form a more business-like view of how procurement, pricing people, profitability and process are all interdependent and need to be viewed holistically.

For more information please visit the Legal Support Network website.