__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Code: S-VF-MORETHANJUSTWF Name: Visualfiles - More than just Workflow Created By: Shaun Denham on 20/12/17 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: [&Assign TF101='Please enter your Practice Name'] #Insert Practice Name [&Assign TF102='Please enter your current Turnover £'(number)] #Insert Current Practice Turnover [&Assign TF103='Please enter your current Profit Margin%'(number)] #Insert Current Practice Profit [&Assign TF104=0] #Future Practice Turnover [&Assign TF105=0] #Future Practice Profit [&Assign TF01='Is your profit margin under pressure?'(Choose Yes:No:Not Sure)] [&If TF01<>"No"] [&Assign TF02='Are you getting pushed for more fixed fee work?'(Choose Yes:No:Not Sure)] [&If TF02="Yes"] [&Assign TF03='Do you know your underlying cost of delivery?'(Choose Yes:No:Not Sure)] [&If TF03<>"Yes"] [&Schedule ,"Call VisualFiles Client Advising Team",date-due=today+0(Working days),time-due="12.00",priority=Critical] [&History "VF CA Team called and appointment arranged",ADMI,100,amend,noedit,important,category="BusinessImprovement",save] [&Message "Great. We can help you understand your underlying costs and build out charge rates that reflect your aspirations"] [&Assign TF104=TF102/100] [&Assign TF104=TF104*25] [&Assign TF104=TF104+TF102] [&Assign TF105=TF103/100] [&Assign TF105=TF105*25] [&Assign TF105=TF105+TF103] [&Else] [&Message "Thats great you know your costs of Production at "+TF101+" but why what happens for new work types/sources?"] [&Schedule ,"Call VisualFiles Client Advising Team",date-due=today+0(Working days),time-due="12.00",priority=Critical] [&History "VF CA Team called and appointment arranged",ADMI,100,amend,noedit,important,category="BusinessImprovement",save] [&Message "We can help you understand your underlying costs so that when new opportunities arise you can build offerings quickly."] [&Assign TF104=TF102/100] [&Assign TF104=TF104*25] [&Assign TF104=TF104+TF102] [&Assign TF105=TF103/100] [&Assign TF105=TF105*25] [&Assign TF105=TF105+TF103] [&EndIf] [&Else] [&Assign TF04='Is your hourly rate correct and is the work being undertaken by the right level of staff?'(Choose Yes:No:Not Sure)] [&If TF04<>"Yes"] [&Schedule ,"Call VisualFiles Client Advising Team",date-due=today+0(Working days),time-due="12.00",priority=Critical] [&History "VF CA Team called and appointment arranged",ADMI,100,amend,noedit,important,category="BusinessImprovement",save] [&Message "Great. We can help you ensure that work is being handled by the correct person at the correct time at the correct rate."] [&Assign TF104=TF102/100] [&Assign TF104=TF104*25] [&Assign TF104=TF104+TF102] [&Assign TF105=TF103/100] [&Assign TF105=TF105*25] [&Assign TF105=TF105+TF103] [&Else] [&History "Let History show we do things RIGHT",ADMI,100,amend,noedit,important,category="BusinessImprovement",save] [&OSCommand "start Iexplore.exe https://binged.it/2kRBnGi"] [&EndIf] [&History "Let History show we do things RIGHT",ADMI,100,amend,noedit,important,category="BusinessImprovement",save] [&OSCommand "start Iexplore.exe https://binged.it/2kRBnGi"] [&EndIf] [&Else] [&History "Let History show we do things RIGHT",ADMI,100,amend,noedit,important,category="BusinessImprovement",save] [&OSCommand "start Iexplore.exe https://binged.it/2kRBnGi"] [&EndIf] [&If TF105>TF103] [&Message "Congratulations "+TF101+" you have increased your turnover from £"+TF102+" to £"+TF104+" and your profit margin has increased from "+TF103+"% to "+TF105+"%."] [&Else] [&Message "Good luck "+TF101+" with the future. You are going to need it!"] [&OSCommand "start Iexplore.exe http://bit.ly/2CN62vL"] [&EndIf]