Why external cybercriminals aren’t your biggest cyber problem

Post by LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions | February 13, 2017

When we think of 'cybercriminals' we conjure up images of shadowy figures, cloaked in darkness spending countless hours trying to breach security firewalls and IT systems.


When we think of 'cybercriminals' we conjure up images of shadowy figures, cloaked in darkness spending countless hours trying to breach security firewalls and IT systems. If this is your view, then you're most likely thinking "Why would cybercriminals target me?" or "It'll never happen to me." If this was the only risk, I might agree with you. However...

External threat Vs Insider threat

We need to remember that the word 'cyber' has very little real meaning, but generally is accepted to mean 'digital system'. So this includes mobile phones, tablets, laptops, PC's, Macs, Servers, 'Cloud' etc. So a 'cybercriminal' is someone who uses 'digital' to do you harm.

Whilst Hollywood would have us believe the only threat is from external hackers, you are in fact far more likely to have data stolen by an employee. This is the 'Insider Threat'. This is the person you employed, that you trust to use your systems to help you and your practice. But what happens when they leave, taking your entire case management system with them? Or take your Client list? Or information about a merger?

Malicious Vs Accidental

I'm not saying that ALL employees will eventually 'go rogue', because they won't. But we all have bad days too. How many of us have emailed a document to the wrong email address? I personally once received a confidential email meant for the person I was in dispute with, which was great for me but not so good for the other party. 52% of Data breaches are caused by human error, and these breaches can land you in hot water both with the SRA and the ICO but also with your clients.

So what should you do?

The key thing to remember is that you can suffer a data breach from both external AND internal players. Once you recognise this, you can start to build a plan to address the risks.

If we continue to think of cybercriminals as shadowy strangers in strange lands, trying to steal from us, we will always think "It'll never happen to me". But you might be missing that member of your Practice who has just downloaded the contents of your case management system, just before handing in their notice. Or that tired paralegal who just emailed personal medical records to the wrong person.