Posted by Simon Farthing | Feb 28, 2019
I'm a lifelong fan of motorsports, and Formula 1 in particular. There can’t have been too many race weekends over the years when I haven’t managed to get in front of the TV — or better still — to a track.

Posted by Simon Farthing | Mar 05, 2019
As a keen Formula 1 fan, the closest I’ve come to driving an F1 car is spending time in a single-seat racer at my local race track. It's an amazing experience: the acceleration, the braking and the controllability of the car are exhilarating, and leave you wanting more.

Posted by Simon Farthing | Mar 07, 2019
In any Formula 1 race, the best driver in the best car normally has the best chance of winning. But all sorts of external factors can affect the outcome of a race, such as the track type and the weather conditions.

Posted by Simon Farthing | Mar 11, 2019
I've been riffing on a bit of a motorsports theme in my past few blogs, pointing out that law firms have a better chance of outpacing their competition if they have a 'Formula 1-winning' case management system.

Posted by Simon Farthing | Apr 09, 2019
As I've already observed in an earlier blog in this series, it's the best driver in the best car who normally has the best chance of winning a Formula 1 race.

Posted by Simon Farthing | May 01, 2019
In my previous blog in this series I reflected on the extraordinary teamwork that goes into producing a Formula 1 champion.

Posted by Simon Farthing | May 08, 2019
I started this blog series on the eve of a much anticipated 2019 Formula One season thinking about the elements that make up a successful F1 team.