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Take control of your business and administrative functions

Take control of your business and administrative functions

What is Practice Management?

Experts in case and matter management; Lexis® Visualfiles and Lexis® Everyfile, provide legal software solutions built for the future of law.

Our solutions integrate with recognised specialist software to assist you in achieving a practice management set up that works for you.

Practice management relies on numerous contributory factors to ensure “business as usual”

Smooth management of every legal practice relies on the efficient execution of a variety of tasks and priorities:

  • Accurate account management
  • Client billing
  • Maximisation of fee earners’ work efficiency
  • Competitive rates
  • Handling files and legal documentation that are fully compliant.

Practice Management requires a lot of time and effort to ensure that each practice is putting their best foot forward to be a successful business.

“With the kind of data that the solution holds, and by applying the right logic, Lexis® Visualfiles™ can do anything you want it to.

Visualfiles™ will automate a selection of accounts that are suitable for litigation and then support the entire process, end-to-end to ensure efficiency, productivity and service excellence. We will use the full suite of online reports in Visualfiles™, which alongside our own data systems, will provide us with powerful logic on our business performance.”

Azzurro Associates

How can we help you?

We do the hard work, so you don’t have to.

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Nowadays, with the world of work continuing to adapt and change to adopt a more “technology forward” landscape, it is imperative modern law firms invest in digital technology and take control of their business and administrative functions to effectively manage their legal practice. This can be a daunting process but with the Lexis® Omni platform, we can help you do just that.

We pride ourselves on making the right connections to give you the solution you deserve. With the help of our partners, we enable you to integrate with industry leading applications so that you can optimise your client service excellence and be the best in your field.

Unleash the power of Lexis® Omni

Differentiate your business and delight your clients

Deliver a more efficient way of working. With only one place to go to access client data, financial insights and staff workload, Lexis® Omni has you covered.

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Plan for profitability

Linking seamlessly with Microsoft applications such as power BI to translate your data, easily review your budgeting and forecasting capabilities to be ready for the future of law.

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Make positive change from the top

Ensure your staff are equipped with the right tools to make the most of their valuable time and deliver your clients’ needs.

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Globally recognised partner integrations

Whether your needs require out of the box or bespoke integration solutions, we provide access to third-party software or our own trusted LexisNexis products to seamlessly work with your key business systems and adhere to your workday needs.

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Be the provider of choice, every time

Improve key client relationships through real-time insights and adaptable processes, helping to manage data and understand their needs.

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Which product is right for you?

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