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Email Templates

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A lot of our tips so far have been about efficiency savings and how small changes add up – and this blog is no different. However, have you ever considered tweaking your everyday work processes to coincide with your Visualfiles workflow processes? If not – you should!

Take your email process. Most people use emails that they have used previously as a template, chopping and changing to reduce time wasted reproducing the same work. However, more often than not, these changes are not always applied to the legal case management workflow. This results in users storing their own set of email templates outside of Visualfiles, or worse still, copying and using the content of emails sent in previous cases. In the grand scheme of things however, the end users are following a process that works for them, but they’re not aware of the time savings that could be made by properly integrating the production of emails within the Visualfiles system – but if they don’t advise or request these changes, how will you, as a developer, know what you can to do to help? 

Visualfiles can generate and send emails with or without input from the end user. And, where possible, emails should be templated and generated from within Visualfiles. This will reduce the time taken to create and send an email (remember those minutes and seconds can add up), reduce the risk of an email being sent to the wrong recipient (which could result in a GDPR breach), and guarantee that all sent emails are saved in the case history for audit purposes.

If an email can be fully templated and sent without the user needing to make any edits, the Visualfiles Robot could even be put to use, helping to save as much as three minutes for each email generated. 

By simply spending time with your end users and watching them progress through a workflow, you can quickly identify scenarios where email templates that are saved outside of Visualfiles are being used, and easily transfer them into the case management system. So, what are you waiting for? Spend some time with your users this festive period! It’s a quick win for your end users and your business.

For more information, please contact a Client Advisor or your dedicated Account Manager.

Tags: Visualfiles
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