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Auto Email Filing

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Regular communication, both to your clients and other third parties, is non-negotiable. In today's interconnected world, people are in constant communication, and expectations of response times have changed from days to minutes. Whether it be via social channels, WhatsApp, telephone or email, regular updates often mean ‘real-time’ (or as feasibly close to it). 

Your users likely spend valuable time carrying out the important task of saving emails to Visualfiles, but the risk of human error is always present. Emails can be saved to the wrong case or even forgotten to be saved which can compromise the chronology and accuracy of the case history.

There are shared mailboxes too. Shared or team mailboxes are often used as a preferred communication channel to reduce the possibility of emails being missed. With multiple people monitoring the mailbox, response times can be quicker. However, this approach still requires manual intervention by users. 

Auto email filing can be a real benefit in such a scenario. It can be used to automatically monitor the shared mailbox, save any incoming emails to the appropriate case in Visualfiles,  and schedule a task for the fee earner or team. The efficiency benefits are tangible as emails will be automatically saved to the case so that as a result, users can review the email and action directly from their To-Do list, without bouncing between Visualfiles and Outlook. 

Auto email filing can deliver significant time savings and increase the satisfaction of your clients too.

For more information on Auto Email Filing speak to your dedicated Account Manager today.

Tags: Visualfiles
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