Today, an average property transaction takes 135 days, slower than six years ago. The process is 20% more expensive…
Business challenges come in as many shapes and sizes as there are firms to face them, and the pandemic has, of…
Simply Conveyancing’s investment in Visualfiles as a future-proof platform is core to the firm’s strategy of using…
Removing the human element of processes is key to strengthening a firm's productivity. Automation, however, is…
Briefing Frontiers Legal IT landscapes is back to gauge how far the first year of a global pandemic has changed…
Fit for the future - Supporting efficient remote working is now an imperative for local government legal departments,…
Simon Farthing, Commercial and Marketing Director, LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions, says accurate problem analysis…
The leasehold property sector is routinely under the spotlight with intense scrutiny into its complicated, costly…
The CLC may have challenged the industry to make conveyancing a fully electronic process by 2030, but COVID-19…
Paul Tilling, Head of Strategic Alliances at LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions analyses the prerequisites for managingchange…
Legal IT landscapes 2019 suggests that within legal there remains a disproportionate hesitation in cloud adoption,…
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) are making significant regulatory changes, this could be dangerous, resulting…
Solicitor Confidence vs Client Power
GDPR - the Elephant in the room? Infographic by LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions
A constant stream of technological innovations has now become the norm, with each new technology promising to be…
Is it the end of the partnership model? It's certainly lost its appeal over the years according to our latest Bellwether…